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Download archero 4.1 0 for free

download archero 4.1 0 for free

Weapon Crafting: PvP kills will generate slightly more weapon level progression.The weapon must be reshaped with an enhanced intrinsic and two enhanced trait perks in order to Masterwork. Weapon Crafting: The Masterwork visual has been added to crafted weapons.Neutral Elements have been renamed to Resonant Elements. Weapon Crafting: All element currencies other than Neutral Elements have been removed.Changed the defeating opposing Guardians with final blows or assists bounty to defeating opposing Guardians as a fireteam.Updated the defeating combatants with Stasis bounty to include freeze assists.This includes final blows and assists when progressing through this bounty.Added a new bounty for defeating Blockers.Added a new bounty for defeating invaders as a fireteam.Now players must bank 100 Motes as a team, versus the previous 25 Motes banked per player.

download archero 4.1 0 for free

  • Changed sending one of each type of Blocker bounty to sending Blockers of any size (with more progress given for sending bigger Blockers).
  • Updated defeating combatants with Stasis bounty to include freeze assists.
  • download archero 4.1 0 for free

    Added new bounty for collecting Heavy ammo.Quality-of-life update to Gambit bounties:.Reduced the number of wins needed for the Gold Coins gilded Triumph for the Dredgen Seal from 50 to 30.Activity streaks award 20 reputation points per streak from 15.Gambit Reputation: Activity completion now awards 75 reputation points from 50.

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